You can still find single-serving chip boxes being sold by third-party sellers for a some fairly absurd prices.

Currently, the chip is sold out on Paqui’s website. If I haven’t scared you off yet, and you still think you’re interested in testing your limits with this challenge, you might be out of luck. Three hours have gone by and I feel like I was beat up in a dark alley”. An hour later I had chills and a massive headache. I had a bottle of water, a glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey and 3 mints and still felt on fire. I threw up, couldn’t breathe and felt like fire was coming out of my mouth, nose and ears. She states, “I thought I was okay until I had a drink of my coffee to wash down the chip. After things cooled down, she took to her Facebook to let everyone know she was okay, but made it clear she did not recommend doing the One Chip Challenge. Things ended even worse for Denver news anchor Natalie Tysdal, who ended up getting sick on air, requiring to be helped off set. Unfortunately, it didn’t end so well for him, as seen in this video of him on air. So which videos seem to best showcase the intensity of this challenge? Well, former NBA superstar and sports newscaster Shaquille O’Neil recently braved the challenge. Milk, the usual saving grace from overwhelming spiciness seems to do little to ease the inherent suffering of the people who willingly take on the One Chip Challenge. This quickly dissipates as the spice begins to kick in, and their world seemingly turns red. Participants typically start the challenge off with an air of confidence surrounding them. Buy and sell authentic Paqui and other limited edition collectibles on StockX, including the Paqui One Chip Challenge 2021 Carolina Reaper & Scorpion Pepper. Social media has blown up with participants braving the literal melting temperatures of this single chip. If you’re thinking why would actually willingly do this, well, the answer to that is plenty. The current Chip Challenge chip is made with a batch of Carolina Reapers that break the scales at 1.9 million scoville units. The best part is that this was the level of heat for LAST years chip.

The Carolina Reaper, however, turns the heat up exponentially, coming in at 1,500,000 scoville units. The habanero packs a respectable 150,000 scoville units on the scale. Just to give you an idea of the level of heat this pepper packs, we’ll refer to the Scoville scale, which measures the amount of heat, or spiciness, of something. You think an habanero is spicy? The Carolina Reaper makes it look like candy. This chip, made by Paqui, is created using the Carolina Reaper pepper, which is currently the hottest recorded pepper on the planet. This particular challenge consists of the participant eating one single chip, which is packaged in a small container. However, the new social media challenge taking the world by storm (and spice) is the One Chip Challenge. The latter was even used to raise awareness of ALS, with thousands of people joining in. In recent years, social media has brought us some memorable challenge videos like the Cinnamon Challenge, Mannequin Challenge, and the Ice Bucket Challenge.