Straightforward in-app screen which explains what the app is well in a single image.Use case-oriented caption itself and the on-brand font choices.Darker photo that allows the caption to be legible.Hero background image that stirs emotions.This Baby app hits the mark on many levels, such as: It's a bit crowded, but if designed well and on-brand as this Baby app has done can be an enticing screenshot highly capable of grabbing attention. Similar to the splash story style below, the real phone augmented style adds content to the screen, while also providing a screenshot in a real phone profile.

Use a partial phone profile (though our research shows that using the full phone profile works best).As a result, services such as Launchkit and others even sprang up to facilitate the creation of these real phone + captions screenshots, making this style very easy to do. Putting a screenshot in a real phone profile with a caption on top is the reigning most common screenshot style. The first screenshot here is a mix of the first and second style, preferring to overlay text but also using a background. This is one of our new favorite screenshot design styles, given that it allows the user to see the screenshot/caption better, while also avoiding any on-screenshot text overlay issues. The second style is a screenshot-only, without the phone profile, laid on top of a background. Typically captions are placed at the top of a screenshot for better visibility, but we can see that the placement here is meant not to obscure the UI, hence the caption is at the bottom. We see that Word Cookies does use captions in their screenshot, overlaid on the bottom of the screenshot, along with a finger, which adds a human element. Apple's preferred screenshot type is this style, but probably without captions, because it gives the user the most accurate and objective sense of what the app is, without leading or marketing to users. The first style is a full-screen screenshot without any background (this is word cookies, the last screenshot). There are two major types of screenshot-only design, both of which are shown below.
users know that they are using an iPhone, so it adds no extra value to the screenshot plus most apps use this style, lending no creative benefit). Screenshot-only is a style we are seeing more and more, given that real phone profiles take up room for showing more of the screenshot or for captions, yet are also common and redundant (i.e. We'll show you 20 different screenshots, grouped by generally similar themes. Today's post is a brief review that follows in this vein, like others popular posts such as the recent Google Play Feature Graphic Examples and the best practices from the top 100 app screenshots study.

Who doesn't like to get an idea of what other people are using in their app listings every now and then? It's great for heating up the creative juices, staying abreast of the latest trends, and even borrowing ideas to use in your own app listing after all, they say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.